Friday, July 29, 2011


Picture this: It is Wednesday, 05, July 2012 morning. Malawian and South African dailies are carrying the following story:
‘…In an audacious regional cooperation deal, Sss Malawi, GK Malawi and a renown consortium of YAMBAs [Young Ambitious Malawian Business Achievers]—popularly known as “DziYambakata”—have entered into a Twenty-three billion Malawian Kwacha deal per year. It is part of the Malawi-South Africa duty-free trade agreement… The deal involves Malawians exporting quality and reasonably priced agro-processed products into South Africa—to be disposed in South Africa by outlets belonging to the two organizations…
’…As part of their social corporate consciences, GK and Ssss will allow the YAMBAs to use their fleets’ idle back-haul capacity to carry Malawian products and distribute in GK and Ssss outlets in South Africa... Described as an innovative coup fleets of these two have been running into Malawi—month-end and mid-month—restocking their shops but running empty back to South Africa. Now, that will be a story of the past—!’
Back to present day Malawi with the economic situation worsening due to lack of forex and shortage of fuel. Authorities—the central government, NGOs and many others—continue agonizing on how to resolve the problem in the face of falling sales of tobacco—Malawi’s main forex earner whose doors as a forex earner are all but closed.
Looking more like a designer ‘kantini’ or ‘spaza’ [to use a South African parlance], the Malawian economy is increasingly a designer shop with hardly any customers looking in. Meantime, the kantini-owner—faced with a bevy of hungry children screaming hunger from behind the counter—has to contemplate some alternative solutions just to keep the once-renowned quiet in the home!
Answers—quick, prompt and away from the tobacco vexation—are needed and everyone is lightly talking of diversifying Malawi’s ‘export bouquet’. Agriculture appears to be the quickest means out of the current balance-of-payment maze [see Maravi Post, 13 May 2011]. For good reasons too; given we are generally a mineral-challenged system.
But if there is one thing we have in abundance: its lots of hardworking Malawians—and full of ideas too! The only problem is that we are not sufficiently vocalizing these. Worse we are generally bad on follow up.
Indeed if there was an area we failed was to harvest on the ‘corporate social responsibilities’ [CSRs] of Ssss and GK as they entered the Malawi market. Today walk around South Africa—the home country of these two—and everyone will proudly point out for you:
‘GK built that school... Ssss donated that and that and that…’ Firms in South Africa are tripping over each other ensuring they give back to communities supporting their business success stories.
But not here in Malawi—it was business unusual as they arrived. They came, they built shops and we were all excited out of our gums. We enthused: “we can now locally get what we used to trek across borders to buy”. And the story ended. No one bothered to ask for their CSR share. And I can reassure you the two organizations would have readily obliged. I can bet those resources—already earmarked—probably disappeared into their fat bottom lines.
But this piece is not about acrimony but to seek alternatives for our dire importing tendencies. CSR is their birth gift to us: we just didn’t ask when opportunity came knocking. And all is not lost because we can still approach them—not to demand what we failed to ask before now—but new forms of cordiality between us.
I’m sure—going back to their delivery fleets—the two giants are aware of the need to find some back-haul cargo. It simply doesn’t make economic sense to run empty one way even if the empty-run cost has been factored into shelf prices. However, it is us who are ‘imva-ring m’mimba’! So let’s us point out the opportunity.
Others may argue about ‘complementarity problems’—that South Africa produce literary the same—if not better agricultural goods—to Malawi. But I can reassure you they don’t produce their products as efficiently and cheaply as hardworking Malawians do. It’s the transport cost that makes us expensive and less competitive—silly! We have always had a natural low-production-cost and competitive advantage in almost any agro-processed good you can think of. Meantime, the two South African shopping groups have fleets—‘going-back-empty-anyway’. Thus the true shipping cost—if they agreed to do their CSR part in kind—would be pretty much close to zero, isn’t it? But to ensure we do not break WTO and Malawi-South Africa Trade Agreement rules [we could be accused of dumping!] we have to be seen to contribute something towards transportation costs of our goods. So we are still going to pay a single leg transportation cost on their vehicles.
Of course, there is a further CSR sweetener involved. Once our goods are down there—Ssss for example—will ensure our products are sold in their outlets. I see no problem here. I know of certain South African outlets already involved in similar regional agreements. On the other hand—GK could try the Pepsi textbook case where they promoted a ‘barter’ agreements in another country just so they could sell more Pepsi Cola while supporting that country’s balance of payments problems. Imagine GK allowing farmers to bring in bales of tobacco in exchange of TV sets. Of course, not in exactly those terms! But, it is the way forward. GK and/ or Ssss cannot expect to maintain or even grow their profits when Malawians can’t export or earn forex? It’s called ‘khonza kapasi!’
Come YAMBAs let us put our shoulders to the wheel!

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Picture this: a few years to come you're in the sumptuous lounge of your state-of-the art home—on the millennial Lunzu Plain. Before you—despite three years of drought—are tapestried lush green fields forming the prosperous Lunzu-Zalewa Irrigation Program.
Nearer home: below the fauna-decked veranda—at the family braai stand—is your multimillionaire son—the “chiYambakata” Supremo. With fellow Yambakatas they are leaning against their latest cars that bounce to the pounding rhythm of Yamba Beat. On ultra-modern cellular video phones—latest exportable technology from our own "Chirimba Silicon Valley"—are live images of Malawian ladies squeezed in designer wear and ensconced in topless stretch limos. They are heading for your house.
The Yambakatas are having another of their traditional weekend ‘doggone’ parties. "Unfortunately" you are not invited!
But you bear it with a grin because your chiYambakata owns everything around here—including the towering grain silos and agribusinesses that are visible in the yonder Shire Valley horizon. Still you like it because—as a member of the ‘reasonably-schooled’ Malawians—you created this YAMBA [Young and Ambitious Malawian Business Achievers] culture.
Open your eyes to present day. Your son—in knock-off Chinese jeans—has just sidled around a further kitchen corner of your ram shackled house; probably off to visiting with friends and some puffing off on their daily dose of Nkhotakota "zol". Just yesterday you overheard them:
"Come 2009 we'll buy the wickedest zol in town... and just see "Yellow" on the ballot paper!'
A life of despair… And who is to blame?
Of course, it's you and I—today's parents and policy makers. We have duty-failed to create a conducive environment for our youth. And it’s not about reverting to Dr. Banda and his MYP [Malawi Young Pioneers] concepts. Rather, simply listen to our radios or watch that TVM thing again. Ask yourself: which program seriously emphasizes empowering our youth? None!
It’s alright to sit back—and nowadays we do that a lot—blaming the government for "doing nothing about our youth". Just the other day—because our NGOs have now joined in blaming the government for ‘disappearing forex and fuel’—our idle youth were involved in the bloody butchering of 18 lives across Malawi.
And typically the children are suckling the blame games. "Zols and voting Yellow" and “wanton damaging of lives and property after so-called peaceful marches” are now favorite pastimes. Ignored is the fact that the "Jaundice" guys threw out Kamuzu's MYP baby with the dirty bathwater! For ten good years we kept the ‘Yellow tribe’ in power while creating the "beggar syndrome" that has now colonized the brain cells of our youth.
And it has come full circle—ask-Malawi’s NGOs.
Nevertheless, the first positive step is for us—parents. We must get out of this rising "wallet parenting" culture. The Chilembwe bills we are using to buy peace in our homes will never build self-respecting youth! Instead, we should impose some real parental responsibilities. Critically—if you are averse to smacking some dirty mucus out of your child's mouth—then get those radios and TVM—like they do elsewhere in Africa—to mold some leadership qualities in them youth.
For example Kwaito—that gutter existence on community radio stations [with parents phoning in to stop young DJs from '"dissing" on family airwaves]—now rules South African and regional airwaves. Indeed, Kwaito stars are now Movie and TV directors of exportable and Emmy Award pictures and soundtracks. Can you imagine the number of movies Malawian youth—organized into an effective movie industry—could produce around the good-and-dirty stuff that took place during the Kamuzu and Bakili eras! Alas—our creative writers are on useless zols or waiting for another ‘pretender-politician’ to send them on a ‘property-destruction’ errand!
The way forward is for parents INSISTING on radio and TV programs where youth are allowed to showcase—no matter how crass and stupid—their talents in music, brainpower and creativity. Let's hear them—let them hear themselves—making mistakes and improving on these. There is a Chinese Proverb that says: ‘a perfect journey starts with a mistake’. Let’s all learn from that.
The second step is for government to facilitate the overdue policy on YAMBA Initiatives—newsletters, creativity competitions etc. Youth require robust development policies because an exporting nation requires young and ambitious entrepreneurs. Naturally—within Globalization—raw cassava-dumplings exportation is a DoDo competence! The youth—the new EHS [Exportable Human Software]—are the cutting edge. NGOs read my lips: "Youth and Exportable Brainpower"—not yesterday's "Muscle power" concepts—are the new Strategic Independence raw material that Malawi needs today. Naturally youth must be nurtured into NDC [national development competences].
Only then can Yambakatas seriously irrigate Malawi, develop the associated agribusiness ventures and exploit the emerging global service sectors—now at 30-40% of GNPs of most successful economies—in logistics, telecoms [look out for Malawi's own genuine cell-phone company], cross-border trading and conspicuous person-to-person consumption.
If you’ve loved my opening: then we are on our way!

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